Friday, September 21, 2018

Let’s Talk About Emotional Maturity (and How to Get Back There)

Emotional maturity is not something many people discuss out in the open. It is mostly something people either have or do not have, depending on their circumstances and other factors. When a person struggles with addiction from an early age, emotional maturity becomes stunted, keeping that person from being able to grow into their age. In essence, they sort of become ‘stuck’ around the age at which addiction began. There are some ways to rebuild emotional maturity, with some help and determination to heal.


Experts have long indicated substance abuse can stunt emotional growth and create challenges for people transitioning into adulthood. When individuals start using in their teens, the brain changes shape and the cortex thins – the part of the brain associated with higher-level functioning. The brain becomes stuck at the same level of maturity it was in when drug use began. The other term used for this is ‘arrested development.’ Stunted brain growth can also lead to certain developmental problems, such as:

  • Inability to make decisions
  • Lowered ability to assess consequences
  • Predilection towards risky, impulsive behavior
  • Higher rates of unemployment and incarceration

Emotional Growth Track

There are some ways to get back on track to growing and maturing after addiction. It takes focus and determination to get moving, but you can try by first:

  • Learning how to become present and aware of your feelings
  • Not running away from difficult emotions by using substances
  • Embracing difficult life situations by facing them head on
  • Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals

Serenity Oaks provides an intensive 5 week program to support your sobriety and recovery from addiction. We provide medical support, detox, and other help such as building life skills. Through individualized programs we help you move forward in recovery. Call us to find out how we can help you get started: 844-720-6847.  






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