Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sobriety Shifts Over Time: How to Lean into Changes with Gratitude

Getting sober takes courage from the start. It takes getting comfortable with who you are and choosing to lead your best life. The beginning of sobriety feels all-consuming from the time and energy it takes. It helps to know sobriety shifts over time and learning how to lean into the changes with gratitude only builds a stronger foundation.

Sobriety Changes Life

Sobriety is not who you are, it is a part of your life, a journey. The role it plays in your life changes as you change, shifts as you shift with it. You may no longer think about it every day but no may not wonder, either, how you will manage yourself with friends at parties or coworkers at work events. Not worrying what people think is a big shift that happens over time as recovery becomes integrated into your life experience.

  • It can be extremely freeing, not limiting. Sobriety may be viewed as restrictive, but it can actually open up your worldview. Sobriety can also give confidence that doesn’t come from substances like a smokescreen. It’s a very real, authentic confidence that gives you the opportunity to be fully present every single moment of your life (something substances never gave you).
  • Fading from the foreground. Early on in sobriety, it can be the only thing pressing on your mind all the time. It is not that these things are so much more important but everything centers on sobriety so much right in the beginning. Sometimes in later sobriety, weeks or days go by without thinking about being sober. It is just integrated into the whole person and is something you’re comfortable with enough to just roll with.
  • Motivating factors evolve. Even if you are glad to be sober everyday, you may also develop a joy around deepening motivational factors in your life. You are no longer motivated to just be sober everyday, you want to grow, move forward, and motivate others. In early sobriety, you may think nobody cares what you have to say but later on, you realize you have a story to offer. Motivations change, often for the better.
  • The topic is less taboo. Early on in sobriety, it can feel like people tiptoe around the topic of sobriety. Even if people are scared to bring it up, it can feel like it is off limits to some people in your life. Later on, everyone you know may finally be embracing this ‘new you’ and accept it is here to stay
  • A source of pride. It may have taken a while, but you should feel proud of sobriety. When you finally get comfortable within yourself, you realize you are fine the way you are and sobriety is really a great place to be living right now.

Serenity Oaks provides an intensive 5 week program to support your sobriety and recovery from addiction. We provide medical support, detox, and other help such as building life skills. Through individualized programs we help you move forward in recovery. Call us to find out how we can help you get started: 844-720-6847.  






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