Friday, October 12, 2018

From Addiction to Sobriety — What Will Make the Difference for You?

People who have an addiction make different choices for their future. There are many different reasons why they decide to put a stop to addiction. Some stop for the sake of their family and children. Others are confronted by family, friends and colleagues and this propels them to an addiction treatment center. Still others reach their own private hell and decide they can’t carry on with the way they are living.

Research shows that some people addicted to heroin, and who have been revived by narcan from an overdose, go right back, use and overdose again. They may even understand that the next time they could die. Addiction is powerful, in that it portends to control the user. Yet, people seek help. You can, too.

What about you? What could be holding you back from seeking help? Is it fear of withdrawal, or the fear of being exposed? If you admit you have a problem, will you lose a belief about yourself that you have it all together? Maybe you want to get help, but there are no addiction drop-in centers in your area. Do you feel life has treated you unfairly and why bother getting sober? Does it seem that getting sober will just be too hard?

Can you stop and consider what will make the difference for you? Only you can decide to choose sobriety. That’s even if you feel forced to go to a rehab. You may go through the act of agreeing with the counselors and the addiction education a rehab provides, but, no sobriety isn’t for you. When you are in active addiction your attitudes and perspectives can be warped. Can you be honest with yourself for one minute and admit you have a problem?

There are fellowship organizations all across the United States and the world, run by ordinary citizens who help each other with addiction. All you have to do is look up one in your area in the phone book, or online. You could even screw up your courage and ask a friend to drive you to a meeting. If you are in dire straights, ask your friend to take you to the hospital to detox. Get sober for yourself because you deserve a better life, and so does your body.

Serenity Oaks Wellness Center is a 5-week extensive treatment program to help someone who is struggling from drugs or alcohol. Our 12-Step aspects and holistic therapy combined can show you how to adorn your soul in recovery.

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