Tuesday, October 16, 2018

How Can I Cope with the Addiction in My Family?

We understand how challenging it can be for families to cope with a member who is addicted to a substance such as alcohol and drugs. With with advent of the opioid crisis, more and more families are being torn asunder. Grandparents are taking care of grandchildren, parents are dealing with an addicted teen, a husband or wife has to cope with an addicted spouse, and children are too often shuffled off to foster homes.

Nothing about addiction is easy. Here are a few tips to on how to cope with addiction in your family. It is easy to blame the addict, after all they are raising havoc with your life and others in your family. The truth about substance abuse is that nobody starts out intending to become addicted. It is incumbent upon you to learn all you can about addiction and the road to recovery. Educating yourself will help you gain insight into why your loved one just doesn’t quit.

Search for support groups where you’ll meet peers who understand and can empathize with your situation. Programs like Al-Anon and Alateen are good resources for support. These meeting offer a means to see how others deal with the addicted person in their lives. Meetings can lower stress level and offer hope for a better quality of life.

Whether you sit the addicted person down for a talk about how their behavior affects you and other family members, it is still up to the addict to stop. This can be very discouraging, so it is best not to set high expectations for the outcome.

Even though your life can be in turmoil, make a clear intention to do fun activities with your family on a regular basis. You can do something as simple as making waffles together for Sunday morning breakfast, going to the movies, working on a puzzle or playing board games. Only you can take care of yourself. Know that your life isn’t over because of addiction.

With all you have to cope with, getting regular exercise can seem impossible, a timesink or a hassle. Try to carve out 15 to 20 minutes a day (more if possible) and go for a walk. Unlike gyms and exercise classes, walking doesn’t cost anything. Walking can give you time to sort out feelings. Walking is also very good for calming down your nervous system.

Serenity Oaks Wellness Center is a 5-week extensive treatment program to help someone who is struggling from drugs or alcohol. Our 12-Step aspects and holistic therapy combined can show you how to adorn your soul in recovery.

Call us today:



From https://serenityoakswellnesscenter.blogspot.com/2018/10/how-can-i-cope-with-addiction-in-my.html


from https://alcoholrehabcenters2.blogspot.com/2018/10/how-can-i-cope-with-addiction-in-my.html


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