Wednesday, October 3, 2018

You Should Continue Individual Therapy After Treatment

Substance use and dependency is often a symptom of deeper concerns. Many recovering people acknowledge that they used alcohol or drugs as a way to numb pain and cope with deep-rooted traumas. Substance abuse treatment can include detoxification services and inpatient treatment. Detox is a short stay inside of a hospital or a detox center. Detox treatment is focused on keeping you safe during the withdrawal process of drugs or alcohol. Detox is typically a short stay, lasting around 5-7 days.

Inpatient treatment can last for 28, 30, 60 or 90 days. There are some programs that last as long as 12 or more months. The goal of inpatient treatment is to help you learn about recovery. While in inpatient treatment, you will learn about what drugs or alcohol does to the body. While in inpatient treatment, you will learn about the 12 step program and other types of support groups. You may also start learning about healthy relationships, relapse triggers and how to avoid returning to active addiction.

Recovery is a lifelong journey. There will be days that it is easy and other days it may seem impossible to get through. You may find better success by continuing to work on yourself and the core reasons behind your use of drugs or alcohol. Successfully completing detox and/or treatment does not mean that all of your concerns are resolved. The reason that led you to the doors of a rehab center were years in the making. Likewise, moving to a place of complete health and wholeness may take more than 60 or 90 days to achieve. Therapy is long-term whereas most substance abuse treatment is shorter term. Many substance abuse centers encourage involving yourself in after-care support, which could include therapy.

Each person is an individual and no one recovers in exactly the same way. However, there are benefits in deciding to continue in individual therapy after you have completed treatment. Traditional individual therapy is time set aside each week for you. You can talk about your past, your future, and anything else that comes up as you walk the path of recovery. The beautiful thing about individual therapy is that it is an intimate relationship between you and your therapist. This relationship is meant to be supportive and non-judgmental. If you have a slip or moment of weakness, even if use is not involved, therapy is a wonderful way to process it.

Individual therapy is also a great place to begin working on some of the core issues that brought you into recovery. Remember, substance use is a form of coping to deal with trauma, abuse, poor self-image and mental health concerns. The only way to move to long-term recovery is to continue taking care of you and your mental health needs.

If you someone you know is struggling with drugs and alcohol, Serenity Oaks Wellness Center can help to get you sober. Our 12-Step aspects and holistic therapy can show you how to adorn your soul in recovery.

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