Monday, October 8, 2018

Your Length Of Stay In Treatment

Deciding to enter residential treatment is a huge first step to your recovery. Give yourself accolades for making this life changing decision! This is a great choice, and there are many decisions to make from this point on.

How long should you stay in residential treatment? There are several different types of inpatient treatment, each with varying lengths of time. The length of stay at inpatient treatment centers is 28 or 30 days, sometimes shorter or longer. Inpatient treatment is commonly in a hospital or facility like setting,

Residential treatment is a longer type of treatment, ranging from 60 or 90 days. Some residential treatment center programs are a 6 or even 12 month commitment. Residential treatment has been described as a more home like setting, but can be located in a hospital, as well.

The first thing to consider is the recommendations from the treatment center and your counselor. They may suggest that you not leave until you have graduated the program. Counselors and staff will recommend committing to the entire length of the program. Commitment is a new behavior and is important to establish, because you will need to make a long-term commitment for your recovery.

There is not a mandated rule that you cannot leave a program before completion. Family situations and emergencies happen. Before discharging yourself prematurely, you may want to consider if leaving will do more harm than good.

The benefits of staying in treatment until completion are that you have more time to work on yourself. Think about it, you were in active addiction for some time. Stepping into recovery is a process, and it is not an overnight process. The goal of staying in treatment is to learn about your addiction, the reasons that led to your use and developing a plan to avoid relapse.

Completing treatment will prove to yourself that you made a commitment and completed it. You finished treatment and can now tackle lifelong recovery. Accomplishing your goals is empowering!

The length of time to stay in treatment is really up to you. Your support system and counselors will guide you along the way. You can review your options before going to see how long treatment stays will be at the facility you choose. Nonetheless, staying until completion will benefit you and your recovery efforts. Remember, recovery is more than putting down a substance. Recovery is about learning how to make lifestyle and thinking changes. This can take time, but you are worth it!

If you someone you know is struggling with drugs and alcohol, Serenity Oaks Wellness Center can help to get you sober. Our 12-Step aspects and holistic therapy can show you how to adorn your soul in recovery.

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