Friday, October 5, 2018

How Visiting Your Loved One in Treatment can Change Your Life

Your loved one has entered treatment for their addiction. Now you are wondering if you should visit them while they are in treatment. Your loved one would most likely love to see you!

Did you know that visiting them could be a life changing experience for you?

It is normal to be hesitant or have doubts about whether you should visit them. Chances are that you may even have unresolved hurts associated with their substance use. You may even feel anger, worry or doubt about what kind of relationship you can have now that they are in treatment. All of these feelings are to be expected. You are not alone in your concerns.

Visiting your loved one in treatment may be one of the first times in a long time that you have had positive interaction with them. You probably miss the person that they were before their addiction took center stage. This could be a time for honesty, open communication and even a chance to express how you feel. Your loved one is not under the influences of a substance while in treatment and they are able to begin processing what you have to say.

You may be able to sit in on support groups or substance abuse counseling sessions. Being present at open support groups or counseling sessions is up to the discretion of the facility. Including family in some counseling sessions is not uncommon at treatment centers. Being present at a counseling session allows you to see the progress that your loved one is making. Recovery is not only about being abstinent from substances. Recovery is also about a change of mind. What an amazing process to be part of!

Being present at a group or session may give your loved one the opportunity to hear about the journey you have been on while trying to emotionally support them. Hearing what you say, whether anger, excitement, worry or happiness, is an important aspect of their recovery. You can also be part of their after care plan, if you choose. While your loved one is in treatment, their counselor will want to develop an aftercare plan to support long-term recovery. Many treatment centers involve family in this process. Again, if the treatment center approves of you being involved, this may be a time for you to establish boundaries with your loved one.

Visiting your loved one in treatment will allow you to learn about the treatment process. You will start to see that it is not only about group meetings and counseling sessions. You will gain insight into treatment. You will be able to truly talk to your loved one; something that may not have happened for quite some time. You will start seeing changes in them, and possibly yourself.

If you someone you know is struggling with drugs and alcohol, Serenity Oaks Wellness Center can help to get you sober. Our 12-Step aspects and holistic therapy can show you how to adorn your soul in recovery.

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